Kemei KM - 3010 3 in 1 Electric Rechargeable Cordd and Cordlesss Epilator Shaver Hair Remover and Callus Remover
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etails of Kemei KM - 3010 3 in 1 Electric Rechargeable Cordd and Cordlesss Epilator Shaver Hair Remover and Callus Remover
- Model no: Km-3010Hair Remover, epilator shaver and Callus RemoverAc current operatingRechargeable operatingFull Charge Shaving Time40 Mins Use After Fully ChargedActive massage SystemTextured Ceramic DiscsActive hair LifterLithium-ion BatteryLong life product
- Model no: Km-3010 Hair Remover, epilator shaver and Callus Remover Ac current operating Rechargeable operating Full Charge Shaving Time40 Mins Use After Fully Charged Active massage System Textured Ceramic Discs Active hair Lifter Lithium-ion Battery Long life product
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